Wednesday 26 March 2014

A small project jumps the queue

I'm supposed to be finishing the Easter bunnies and baskets for the grandchildren and I really ought to finish the Fatty Lumpkin pony, which is currently stalled at the assembling stage. So what do I do? I end up making a quick pot-holder to use up the last of the James C. Brett Craft Cotton. I now know what sort of project it's good for and if I need more, I can buy it as and when required, so it seemed like a good idea to use up the ends of the balls on something useful rather than have them sitting around in my stash.

And my current pot-holders are getting very tatty. :)

It only took a few days.

Note: I don't usually get more than an hour each day -- two at the most -- to crochet and I'm not a fast crocheter, preferring to plod along in a meditative fashion. I'm sure that a speedy crocheter would be able to whip one of these up in an evening.

To use up the very last ends, I made a couple of little lid-lifters. The pot-holder is lovely and thick, but therefore would be too bulky for lifting the lids on my stainless steel saucepans or removing the lids from the glass casserole dishes.

Circular pot holder

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